We spent days unpacking Wobbles, Dimes and the house basement. We were determined to make our home ours again as fast as possible. Organizing makes us happy so it worked out. We also had another opportunity to filter all that was brought back into our home which is always a good thing.

However, not long after this unpacking process started we decided to travel to Seattle to look at a van that was for sale. Justin had found the listing for the van while we were traveling home on the road and reached out to the seller. The seller lives in Hawaii yet his van for sale was living at his dad’s home in northern Washington. With some coordination, the dad drove the van for sale to Seattle where we all met him.
Even though we were all anxious to keep unpacking at home, we also wanted to look at this van as a family since it had to pass the test with all of us. We all agreed it would be too long of a day to go out and back the same day so we figured we would try to find a cheap/safe camping spot or RV approved parking lot to stay in for the night before heading back to PDX. However, our sweet friends that live in Seattle offered for us to stay in their guest bedroom for the night while we were in town. It was so very sweet and a bit of a relief. We were looking forward to catching up with friends we hadn’t seen in so long.

We’ll tell you about the van and why we’re considering the change in our next post 🙂