We always love staying at campgrounds that have good climbing rocks, and City of Rocks was certainly up there with some of our favorites like Arches & Joshua Tree as far as campsites snuggled into the rocks.
City of Rocks was SO awesome! I only wished we could have stayed longer. Note to self and to others. If you have a fairly easy opportunity to dump the camper tanks even if you don’t “need” to dump; do it anyway! We probably would have stayed longer at this park if only our tanks hadn’t been full. We were banking on a dump station being at the state park but there was not one there. This (plus weather) made us move on sooner than we would have liked.

Most campsites were nestled within beautiful bolder rocks which created all sorts of beautiful shapes and structures. We found one on the top of a hill with a wonderful shade tree and amazing rocks surrounding us. It was breathtakingly beautiful!

The girls found a great little rock cove that they made into a fort/schooling spot for the time we were there.

The only hic-up was that our 4 year old couldn’t get into it herself. No problem! Her sweet big sister acted as a human stool for our youngest to get in and out safely. It was just precious to see.

The girls were being so sweet and independent. They swept out their fort before organizing all their “necessities” and even put on their own sunblock. Okay, our 4 year old may have eaten a little when it rubbed off her lips but, eh, little harm done.

This campground provided such a nice relaxing space for the girls and I to do some crafting, allowed me to do some baking and let Justin get caught up on adding pictures to the blog so he could post them.
The girls and I made wooden dolls for our Christmas tree and felted acorns.
I tried baking biscuits for the first time in the solar oven and they turned out great! I even got a little helper to make ramen with me. It’s nice having little helpers. 🙂
Weather and time permitting, we would all love to come back to this state park. It was beautiful!

We have found the campsites that provide a good play space for the girls within eye shot of the camper are the most successful for us. The girls can go off and have some independence with me not worrying too much since they are fairy close and I can hear if they yell if I’m in the camper with the window open. A magical combination that hopefully we can have more of in the near future.