Wacky Wanderers

exploring on the road as a family

Chiricahua National Monument, AZ

This was a very interesting stay.  First of all, our GPS took us on “the shortest route” there which turned out to be down a 27 mile dirt road in the back country.  Interesting choice Google that we blindly followed.  I was driving and suddenly saw a sign that said “payment ends.”  What?!  Why was the pavement ending?  We checked the map but it would have been quite a ways to backtrack onto an alternative route so we decided to continue.  

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White Sands National Monument and Oliver Lee State Park

We left Santa Fe in a morning snow storm and headed south toward White Sands. We found that Azul and Wobbles had great traction on the snowy roads as we didn’t slip once.  White Sands is quite a bit lower in elevation than Santa Fe so we didn’t have to drive long for the snow to turn from sleet to rain to nothing at all.  By the time we reached Oliver Lee State Park outside White Sands it was in the 70’s and t-shirt weather!  What a swing in temperature!  We were on the same path as the sweet family we met so we decided to travel together for a bit.  

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