Wacky Wanderers

exploring on the road as a family

Great Sand Dunes National Park

We arrived at Great Sand Dunes National Park on a very windy afternoon.  The sun was out and it was a lovely temperature but when we thought of exploring the sand dunes in high winds, it didn’t sound too appealing.  Instead we decided to hang out in the campground, let the girls play, relax and catch up on some internet stuff like this blog.  Internet is fairly hard to come by so we try to take advantage when we do have it.

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Mesa Verde National Park

We were super excited to see the cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde National Park. We actually passed right by this park on last year’s trip, but decided not to stop since it was November and the tours had already shut down for the season. This year we were early enough that the main tour was still running. On the way to the park, we made a stop at Canyons of the Ancients National Monument as well.

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Yellowstone Day 4: Hayden Valley & Mud Volcano Area

The girls both finally slept through the night!  The two previous nights our 4 year old was up for 3 hours in night for reasons unknown to us which, after hours of trying other options, again resulted in me cramming myself into her bed to sleep for the remainder of the night.  So, after her first good nights sleep in a while we chose to wake her up before dawn to attempt a peak at some wolves in Lamer Valley.  Not the best parenting choice but we were hopeful she would recover from lack of sleep.  

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